FP7 Financial Info and FAQs |
Please note that there have been significant changes from FP6, including changes in nomenclature. This aspect of FP7 is open to further changes and fine tuning. Many of the planned changes will only be phased in during the first few years. This is our current best assessment of where the rules stand. Note that many aspects will only be clarified as they are implemented. Some experts believe parts are unimplementable. Interpretation is also likely to vary within the Commission itself especially between Directorates as in the past.
 | Differences between FP6 and FP7 |  | |  |  | FP7 Participation, Subcontractors, Third Parties |  | |  |  | Risk-sharing Finance Facility, Guarantee Mechanism |  | |  |  | Funding Regimes, Lump Sums, Flat Rates |  | |  |  | Funding Rates, Activities |  | |  |  | Personnel Costs, Average Personnel costs, Employment issues, Students |  | |  |  | Receipts |  | |  |  | Eligible & Ineligible costs |  | |  |  | Overheads, Possible Methods, Direct Costs Vs Indirect Costs |  | |  |  | Financial Planning, Financial Spreadsheet |  | |  |  | Bookkeeping, Accounting Records, Timesheets, Cost Recording |  | |  |  | Payments |  | |  |  | Financial Reporting, Timing and approval of financial reports |  | |  |  | FP7 Certificates |  | |  |  | EU Audits / Liquidated Damages |  | |  |  | Consortium Agreement financial Issues |  | |  |  | The Role of the Coordinator |  | |  |