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Finance Helpdesk Newsletter #39

Use of Special Clause 38 in ECAGs

Current Horizon 2020 Financial Plans

Upcoming Finance Helpdesk Workshops


Use of Special Clause 38 in ECGAs


Special Clause 38 allows the Coordinator to delegate the tasks mentioned in Article II.2.3 a), b) and c) of the Grant Agreement.

These tasks are:

a)      To administer the financial contribution ….. regarding its allocation between beneficiaries and activities, in accordance with the grant agreement and the decisions taken by the consortium. The coordinator shall ensure that all the appropriate payments are made to the other beneficiaries without unjustified delay;

b)      To keep the records and financial accounts making it possible to determine at any time what portion of the financial contribution …. has been paid to each beneficiary for the purposes of the project;

c)       To inform the Commission of the distribution of the financial contribution…   and the date of transfers to the beneficiaries, when required by the grant agreement or by the Commission.


This clause is designed especially for Coordinators who are Secondary and Higher Education Establishments or a Public Body who have a Third Party created, controlled or affiliated* to them. With Special Clause 38, the Coordinator can give this Third Party a mandate that authorises them to administer the 3 tasks (as above), on their behalf.

Please note: The Coordinator retains sole responsibility for the financial contribution of the Union and for the compliance with the provisions of the grant agreement.


*affiliated – This should not be used by external Organisations for business purposes. The Commission will check that there is a prior history of affiliation and that a mandate is in place.


Current Horizon 2020 Financial Plans:


As a follow-on from the Horizon 2020 plans that we wrote about in the previous newsletter, below is what is currently on the table for Horizon 2020 financial reimbursement.

Please note that the information below may and probably will change as there is some major lobbying. We will keep you updated in future newsletters.


Proposed Funding rates for activities:

Research Activities - 75%

Innovation Activities – 50%

Combined Research & Innovation activities – 60%

Marie Curie and ERC - 100%


Proposed Overhead rates for all:

Flat rate 75% of personnel costs

ERC - 25% of personnel costs

CSAs - 7% of personnel costs 


Upcoming Finance Helpdesk Public Workshops:


The Finance Helpdesk is pleased to announce that it will be holding Financial Workshops for the first time in Paris and Vienna. Both of these workshops will be held in November.


Please note: There are still places available for the 2 Day Marie Curie Workshop in London on 4 & 5 Oct 2011


Next Public Workshops:

04/10/2011       2 Day Marie Curie Financial Workshop in London-Heathrow, UK.

07/11/2011       1 Day FP7 Financial Workshop in Paris, France.

28/11/2011  2 Day Financial Workshop in Vienna, Austria. 


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