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Survey 1: FP7 Contract Negotiations

It would assist the Finance Help-desk to understand how several financial aspects of FP7 Call 1 Contract negotiations were handled in practice by the various Commission Units. It would assist us in providing recommendations to our clients as well as feedback to the Commission if you could supply the following information. We undertake to keep the specific identities of the responders and their projects in confidence and will only publish non-attributable summaries and statistics.

a)  About your organisation

1. Type of organisation
2. Have you been involved in previous projects in FP6?
3. Have you coordinated a previous FP6 project?
b)   About your proposal
1. Program:
2. Call Number
3. Objective within Work-program:
4. Type of instrument: Other:
5. Was your organisation the coordinator?
6. Was the negotiation successful?
7. If no, what happened and why?
8. What overhead rate did you request in the proposal?
9. If Actual rates were used what % rate did you ask for?
10. During proposal preparation were you advised/ recommended/ forced to use a particular overhead rate or model?
11. If so how and by whom?
12. During proposal preparation were you advised/ recommended/ forced to use a particular man-rate?
13. If yes, by whom and why?
14. Was your requested man rate modified by the Commission?
15. If yes, what happened?
16. Did the evaluators recommend any financial changes related to your organisation?
17. If Yes, what and why?
18. Were they implemented?
19. If yes, how?

c)   Financial Viability

1. Is your organisation guaranteed by government?
2. Is your indicated funding above 500,000 Euro?
3. Were you asked to provide detailed financial/capability information?
4. If Yes, what happened?
5. Did you have any problems with your ability to coordinate as a result of Commission checks?
6. If Yes, what happened?
7. Was your organisation requested to volunteer a financial/bank guarantee?
8. If Yes, why and by whom?
9. Did the Commission impose an arbitrary percentage cut across the board ?
10. If yes, give details.

d) Final Questions

1. In your submitted proposal what was the percentage of the requested grant for the "Other" Activity at 100% funding rate? (Management in ICT STREPs)
2. What percentage was finally negotiated at 100% funding rate?
3. Was dissemination allowed at 100%
4. If yes, what percentage of overall grant was it?
5. Was any major subcontracting requested in the proposal?
6. If yes, how was this treated during negotiations?

This Survey is Anonymous, Please fill in your contact details below if you allow us to contact you with further clarifications arising from your answers.

Telephone Number

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in the survey.

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